python –help_Python简介,第8章–开门
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python –help

Baldric was suddenly standing in a crowd of soldiers. Not Imperial soldiers thankfully. These were more ragtag, wearing random bits of armor here and there. Some had swords and shields, though most had spears or clubs or long knives. One formidable-looking woman appeared to be wielding a frying pan. They were all hurrying away in some form of organized chaos, and once they cleared out Baldric had a look at his surroundings. He was back on the Teleportation Circle in the city, and the soldiers were all headed in the direction of the Imperial castle. It somehow loomed even larger than before and seemed to shroud the entire city in its shadow. Dark clouds circled its peak and thunder rumbled faintly. Baldric noticed a familiar voice nearby barking orders and ran over to see Cassandra.

B aldric突然站在一群士兵中。 幸好不是帝国士兵。 这些更像是破布,在这里和那里随机穿着盔甲。 有些人有剑和盾,尽管大多数人有长矛,棍棒或长刀。 一位貌似强大的女人似乎在挥动煎锅。 他们都以某种形式的有组织的混乱状态匆匆忙忙,一旦他们清理出了秃头,Baldric便可以看到他的周围环境。 他回到了城市的心灵传送带,士兵们全都朝着帝国城堡的方向驶去。 它隐约地显得比以前更大,似乎笼罩着整个城市。 乌云盘旋,雷声隆隆。 鲍德里克(Baldric)注意到附近一个叫喊声的声音传来,跑过去去见卡桑德拉。

“Baldric, thank the gods you’ve returned. There’s no time for explanations. We’re forcing our way to the castle, and we’ve got them outnumbered and on the run. And now with you here, victory is within our grasp. Imperial reinforcements from outside the city are surely on their way, so we must move with all haste. In the event our army can’t force its way into the castle, you and I will have to slip in and try to find the Door ourselves.”

“鲍尔德里克,感谢您返回的诸神。 没有时间进行解释了。 我们正在强迫自己去城堡,而且数量已经超过了他们,并且还在奔跑。 现在有了您的到来,胜利就在我们的掌握之中。 来自城市之外的帝国增援部队肯定正在路上,因此我们必须全力以赴。 万一我们的军队无法逼入城堡,您和我将不得不溜进去,试图自己找到门。”

Another batch of soldiers teleported onto the Circle. Cassandra gave a few directions to a nearby officer, and then led Baldric through the city streets at a run. He had to take care not to trip over all the corpses strewn about, rebels and Imperials alike.

另一批士兵被传送到圆环。 卡桑德拉(Cassandra)向附近的一名军官指示了一些方向,然后带领鲍德瑞克(Baldric)穿过城市的街道。 他必须注意不要绊倒所有散布的尸体,叛乱者和帝国主义者都一样。

Wheezing and cursing as he tried to match Cassandra’s pace, Baldric eventually arrived in the section of city just beyond the castle walls. Some minor skirmishes were still taking place, but it seemed the rebellion would have the area secured in short order. Rebels were taking up positions in buildings with views of the castle, fortifying positions and assembling siege weapons. Cassandra had her head together with several other rebel commanders. Baldric wanted a sandwich and a nap, but those could wait for the fall of the Empire.

鲍德瑞克在试图跟卡桑德拉的步伐相呼应时喘息着咒骂,最终到达了城堡墙外的那段城市。 一些小规模的冲突仍在发生,但似乎叛乱会使该地区在短期内得到了保障。 叛军在建筑物中占据了城堡的位置,加强了阵地并组装了攻城武器。 卡桑德拉(Cassandra)与其他几名反叛指挥官一起昂首阔步。 鲍德瑞克想要三明治和午睡,但那些可以等待帝国灭亡。

Soon all grew quiet. The rebels were ready for the assault, tens of thousands of them surrounding the sprawling castle grounds. Those in the buildings and on roofs would provide cover for those who would be charging in. They had catapults and a battering ram prepared, and many ladders and grappling hooks if they still couldn’t get the gates open. Once the last of the skirmishes had subsided, it became quiet. Eerily so.

很快所有人都变得安静了。 叛军已准备好进攻,成千上万的叛军包围了广阔的城堡场地。 那些在建筑物和屋顶上的人会为那些将要进来的人提供掩护。他们准备了弹射器和撞锤,并且如果仍然无法打开门,还准备了许多梯子和抓钩。 一旦最后一场小规模冲突平息,它就变得安静了。 怪异的。

The double doors to a large fifth-story castle balcony opened, and out marched an ominous assortment of ornately armored individuals. The Board of Directors. And last out was an imposing masked figure clad in heavy red and black armor lounging on a throne that appeared to be walking on its own. A closer look revealed the throne to be composed entirely of living, breathing bodies, roped together into the likeness of a throne. Interns, Baldric suspected.

一扇通往第五层大城堡阳台的双扇门打开了,然后进出了一系列不祥的装甲部队。 董事会。 最后是一个气势恢宏的蒙面人物,身着重红色和黑色盔甲,躺在宝座上,似乎在自己走动。 仔细观察,发现宝座完全由活的呼吸体组成,用绳子绑成宝座的样子。 实习生,秃头怀疑。

The space around this figure seemed to be leeched of its color. In fact, what little sunlight was able to break through the thickening clouds seemed to dim when he emerged. The aura he gave off was worse than death. Tedium. Obedience. There was no doubt about it, this was the Emperor.

这个人物周围的空间似乎已经渗出了它的颜色。 实际上,当他出现时,几乎没有阳光能够穿透厚厚的云层。 他散发出的光环比死亡还糟。 镭 服从。 毫无疑问,这就是皇帝。

Baldric saw the Emperor weave a quick spell, too fast for him to make out. Then he spoke in a deep commanding voice amplified many times louder than any normal one.

鲍德里克(Baldric)看到皇帝编织了一个快速咒语,太快了,无法辨认出来。 然后他用一种深沉的命令性声音说话,声音比任何普通人都大很多倍。

“Welcome my employees. I take it that you are upset with the way things have been managed. And I’ll admit that, were I in your position, I’d be upset too. You have to understand though that we simply don’t have the budget to satisfy everyone’s needs for food and sleep and meaningful social interaction. It was hoped that the free oxygen and ping pong tables would make up for these other deficits, but unfortunately things have come to a head and we are in the process of implementing some new management practices.”

“欢迎我的员工。 我认为您对事情的处理方式不满意。 我会承认,是我在你的位置,我太沮丧。 您必须了解,但是我们根本没有预算来满足每个人的食物,睡眠和有意义的社交互动需求。 希望免费的氧气和乒乓球桌能弥补这些其他不足,但不幸的是,事情已经到了尽头,我们正在实施一些新的管理方法。”

The voice vaguely tickled something in the back of Baldric’s mind. To everyone’s surprise, the gates to the castle grounds began slowly creaking open.

声音隐约地在Baldric的脑海中回荡。 令所有人惊讶的是,通往城堡场地的大门开始缓慢地吱吱作响。

The Emperor continued. “You see, we realized that providing employees with any recompense at all, no matter how inconsequential, would mean less for us. So the question was, how do we keep all the employees of the realm doing their work without giving them anything in return? Threats and force only work so well, as evidenced by the feedback you’ve provided thus far.”

皇帝继续。 “您明白了,我们意识到,向员工提供任何报酬,无论多么无关紧要,对我们来说都意味着更少。 因此,问题是,我们如何让该领域的所有员工在不给他们任何回报的情况下进行工作? 到目前为止,您提供的反馈证明,威胁和武力只能如此有效。”

The gates were now open by a crack, and Baldric could see movement beyond. He also could have sworn he saw something around the Emperor’s neck for a moment. Almost like a black band of some sort, there just for an instant. Maybe he was seeing things.

现在,大门被一条裂缝打开了,鲍德瑞克可以看到超越的动静。 他还可能发誓,他看到皇帝脖子上的东西片刻。 几乎就像某种黑色乐队一样,出现了片刻。 也许他在看东西。

“So today marks the beginning of a new era. An era of pure, mindless, elemental obedience. Never again shall you think for yourself. Never again shall you want for more. Never again shall you feel badly about your state of affairs, or try to better yourselves or your community. For it is my greatest pleasure to introduce to you the new paradigm in Imperial management: Plan Z.”

“因此,今天标志着一个新时代的开始。 一个纯粹的,无意识的,顺从的时代。 您再也不会为自己思考。 您再也不需要更多了。 您再也不会为自己的处境感到难过,也不会试图改善自己或社区。 我很高兴向您介绍帝国管理的新范式:Z计划。”

A massive axe materialized in the Emperor’s outstretched hand, and the blade glowed a deep crimson red.


Bodies streamed through the gates. They looked like fellow employees, aside from some missing flesh or limbs or chunks of head here and there. What they all had in common though was one or two glowing red eyes. Like water breaking through a dam they took off at a dead run toward rebel positions. Zombies, and fast ones too. Screams broke out from inside the nearby buildings, and Baldric heard sounds of battle from their rear flank.

尸体流过大门。 他们看起来像同事一样,除了一些缺少的肉,四肢或大块头。 他们的共同点是有一两个发光的红眼睛。 就像水冲过大坝一样,它们以空转的方式向叛军阵地起飞。 僵尸,还有快速的僵尸。 从附近建筑物内部发出尖叫声,而鲍德瑞克(Baldric)从他们的后侧面听到战斗的声音。

The Emperor was still speaking as if nothing had happened. “You see, zombies are far more cost-effective than living people, requiring neither salary nor benefits, and all those savings go right back to us, the job creators, so we can create even more jobs. It’s a win-win-win. And when we demolish the non-essentials such as your homes and hospitals and so on, not to mention your offices, and remodel this city into one sprawling open office, just imagine the productivity! The free flow of ideas! Row after endless row of soulless, obedient automatons, all tirelessly executing on tedious clerical busy work in extremely close quarters. Busyness is Progress indeed! And don’t worry, zombified employees are just as happy as living ones. Well, we haven’t received any complaints at least. So please, what do you say we all get on the same page? Simply throw down your arms and let the full glory of Plan Z carry you into the future of this great Empire!”

皇帝仍在说话,好像什么也没发生。 “您看到,僵尸比活人更具成本效益,既不需要薪水也不需要福利,所有这些积蓄直接归还给我们创造就业机会的人,因此我们可以创造更多的工作机会。 这是双赢。 当我们拆除不必要的物品(例如您的房屋和医院等)时,更不用说您的办公室了,并将这座城市改造成一个庞大的开放式办公室,只需想象一下生产力! 思想的自由流动! 一排排无休止的,顺从的自动机,无休止地在极其近距离的地方忙于繁琐的文书工作。 繁忙确实是进步! 不用担心,僵尸化的员工和生活中的员工一样快乐。 好吧,至少我们没有收到任何投诉。 因此,请问您怎么说我们都在同一页面上? 只需放下武器,让Z计划的全部荣耀带您进入这个伟大帝国的未来!”

As the zombies were closing in a battery of spells erupted from the rebels, mangling the oncoming zombified horde with elemental destruction. But the zombies were too many and too fast, and soon the rebels were fighting in close quarters with the undead.

当僵尸在反叛者爆发的一连串法术中关闭时,以元素破坏摧毁了即将来临的僵尸部落。 但是僵尸太多又太快,很快叛军就与亡灵在近距离作战。

Baldric was stunned at the turn of events, but shook himself out of it, reminding himself that this was never going to be easy. A crowd of zombies scrambled over a nearby barricade and sprinted at him. While he was preparing a blast of flame, ice formed under the zombies’ feet, sending them tumbling over each over. As they tried to scramble back to their feet, icicles impaled each of them squarely between the eyes.

鲍德瑞克在事态转折时被惊呆了,但他摆脱了困境,提醒自己这绝非易事。 一群僵尸在附近的路障上争先恐后冲向他。 当他准备爆炸时,僵尸脚下形成了冰块,使它们翻滚而过。 当他们试图爬回自己的脚时,冰柱刺穿了他们的双眼。

“It appears our brute force strategy is out. Time for Plan B,” said Cassandra. Shouting to the officers in earshot, she said, “Infiltration teams, execute Plan B. Everyone else, provide cover until we’re in. Then fall back to the Circle and teleport to safety if you must.”

“看来我们的蛮力策略已经出炉了。 计划B的时间,”卡桑德拉说。 她大声疾呼,向军官喊道:“渗透小组,执行计划B。其他所有人,掩护,直到我们进入。然后回到圆环,并在必要时转移到安全地带。”

Baldric followed Cassandra down a street to where a team of rebels were climbing down a manhole. Baldric sighed, “Looks like I’m taking the scenic route again.”

鲍德瑞克(Baldric)跟着卡桑德拉(Cassandra)沿着一条街走到一条叛军队伍爬下一个沙井的地方。 鲍德里克叹了口气,“好像我又在走这条风景线了。”

The sewers were eerily quiet after the carnage aboveground. About a hundred or so rebels were with Baldric and Cassandra, many of them exceedingly powerful Magic users. There were a few other similarly sized teams, each with one or two Logic users, weak compared to Baldric, but the best the rebels had. These teams would be infiltrating the castle at other places and, with any luck, would catch the Imperials by surprise and have a fighting chance at opening the Door.

地上大屠杀后,下水道异常安静。 Baldric和Cassandra大约有一百多名叛乱分子,其中许多人都是魔术师的强大用户。 与Baldric相比,还有其他几支类似规模的团队,每个团队只有一两个Logic用户,但实力较弱,但叛军拥有最好的能力。 这些团队会渗透到其他地方的城堡,如果运气好的话,他们会惊奇地抓住帝国,并有机会打开大门。

Cassandra addressed the group as they hurried along. “Now remember, the Emperor keenly aware of all Magical usage in the city. It’s possible that all the other activity would keep us from being noticed, but we don’t want to risk being discovered if we don’t have to.”

当他们匆忙前进时,卡桑德拉向小组讲话。 “现在请记住,皇帝敏锐地意识到了这座城市中所有的魔法用法。 其他所有活动都有可能使我们不被关注,但如果不想这么做,我们不想冒险被发现。”

Before long they arrived at their entrance to the castle. With a quick hand motion from Cassandra one of the rebels slowly opened the hatch, which Cassandra had thought to unlock before events had gotten out of hand. The area was clear, and everyone filed up into the wine cellar, then out into a grand obsidian hall, the stained glass likenesses of leaders of old watching as they hurried along. Cassandra led them through corridor after corridor, stairwell after stairwell, climbing ever higher. After a time, a frown grew on Cassandra’s face.

不久,他们到达了城堡的入口。 在卡桑德拉(Cassandra)的快速动作下,其中一个叛军慢慢打开了舱门,卡桑德拉(Cassandra)曾想过要在事件失控之前解锁。 这个区域很干净,每个人都涌入酒窖,然后进入一个大型的黑曜石大厅,那里是老式守望者的彩色玻璃像,他们匆匆忙忙地走着。 卡桑德拉带领他们穿过一个又一个的走廊,一个又一个又一个的楼梯间,然后爬上更高的台阶。 过了一会儿,卡桑德拉的脸上皱了皱眉。

“Cassandra, everything alright?”


“No, something is amiss. I’ve traversed these halls many times, and they just seem…off. Sometimes there are more doors than I remember, or fewer windows. I feel for a moment as if I’m in a part of the castle I’ve never seen, when suddenly I’ll recognize the next room, never expecting to have encountered it on our path. It doesn’t matter, we just need to keep going up.”

“不,有些不对劲。 我已经遍历了这些大厅很多次,它们似乎……离开了。 有时候,门多于我所记得的,窗户也少了。 有一阵子,我仿佛置身于我从未见过的城堡中,突然之间,我认出了下一个房间,从没想到会在我们的路上遇到它。 没关系,我们只需要继续前进即可。”

Eventually the windows disappeared entirely, substituted with sparsely-placed torches. Baldric thought the shadows from the dancing flames looked odd. They didn’t quite move how he expected them to.

最终,窗户完全消失了,取而代之的是稀疏放置的火把。 鲍德瑞克以为舞火的阴影看起来很奇怪。 他们并没有完全按照他的期望去做。

Someone screamed behind Baldric. He looked back to see someone being pulled into the shadows. Black flickering arms were grabbing at the fellow, pulling him into the wall. Several others rushed to pull him back, though most of his body had already disappeared into the blackness. The rebels suddenly tumbled backwards, and found themselves holding their comrade’s severed limbs. Seeing this, everyone else began showering the walls of the corridor in flame. The shadows seemed to dance around the Magic, and arm after shadowy arm shot out grasping for the rebels. One warrior was grabbed from both sides of the hallway, and with a sickening snap an arm was pulled clean off before both halves of him were yanked into the darkness.

有人在波德瑞克身后尖叫。 他回头看到有人被拖入阴影。 黑色的闪烁的手臂抓住了那个家伙,把他拉进了墙。 尽管他的大部分身体已经消失在黑暗中,其他几个人还是急忙将他拉回去。 叛军突然向后翻滚,发现自己握着战友的四肢。 看到这一点,其他所有人开始在火焰中喷洒走廊的墙壁。 阴影似乎在魔术周围翩翩起舞,一个又一个的影臂伸出,抓住了叛军。 一名战士从走廊的两侧被抓住,一阵令人作呕的声音,拉扯了一条手臂,然后将他的两半都拉进了黑暗。

Baldric remembered the Magic he had seen flow through Geofram’s hammer before he slew the HR Manager, and he tried to recreate it. He wove all five elements in a complex pattern which collapsed into an orb that illuminated the area around him in a nearly blinding white, pure light. The remaining rebels scurried into the light’s shelter. The surrounding darkness seemed to be pressing in on the light, not allowing it to extend as far as Baldric would have expected. But those arms stayed away.

鲍德瑞克想起了魔术师,他在杀死人力资源经理之前曾见过乔夫拉姆的锤子,于是他试图重新创建它。 他以复杂的图案编织了所有五个元素,这些元素塌陷成一个球体,以几乎致盲的白色纯净光照亮了他周围的区域。 其余的叛乱分子匆匆进入了圣光的庇护所。 周围的黑暗似乎正在压在灯光上,不允许它延伸到波德瑞克所期望的那样远。 但是那些手臂没有动。

Cassandra nodded at Baldric. “Alright, everyone stay calm. We’re not far now. Lead on Baldric.”

卡桑德拉在波德瑞克点点头。 “好的,每个人都保持镇定。 我们现在不远了。 领先于Baldric。”

The remaining party, maybe half what they started with, cautiously advanced. The further they went, the more forcefully the darkness seemed to press against Baldric’s light. It was becoming a bit of a strain to maintain it. Baldric turned a corner and saw the corridor was coated in something. It looked almost…fleshy. It was soft and warm under his feet. Cassandra took a look and said, “There is great evil ahead. Prepare yourselves.”

剩下的聚会,也许是他们开始时的一半,谨慎地前进了。 他们走得越远,黑暗就越有力地压在鲍德瑞克的光芒上。 维护它变得有些压力。 鲍德里克(Baldric)转过一个弯,看到走廊被东西覆盖。 它看上去几乎……很笨拙。 他的脚下柔软而温暖。 卡桑德拉看了一眼,说:“前方有大恶魔。 做好准备。”

They soon came to a set of double doors throbbing with the fleshy, veiny growth. A young human rebel stepped forward and wove a compact mix of Wind and Fire. Cassandra nodded, and the weave detonated, blowing the doors wide open. Rebels streamed into an expansive room, spells readied, and stopped in horror. The room, once a meeting hall or antechamber of some sort, was completely coated in the fleshy substance, and embedded in it throughout the room’s floor, walls, and ceiling were clusters of what could only be described as large egg sacs.

他们很快来到了一组双门,随着肉肉的生长而跳动。 一个年轻的人类反叛者上前,编织了风与火的紧密结合。 卡桑德拉点了点头,织法引爆了,把门敞开了。 叛军涌入宽敞的房间,准备好咒语,并惊恐地停了下来。 这个房间曾经是会议厅或某种形式的前厅,完全用肉质物质覆盖,并嵌入房间的地板,墙壁和天花板的整个簇中,这些簇只能称为大的卵囊。

Baldric carefully approached one and could make out a face through the fluid within. It was the face of a halfling. He recognized that face: it was his supervisor, Kevin! But something was different about him. His features were sharper, his jaw more pronounced. His skin seemed to be red and almost scaly. His eyelids flashed open, revealing solid black eyes. His mouth curled in a smile, baring a forest of crooked black teeth. Baldric lost his concentration on the light he’d been holding and instinctively lashed out with a beam of molten fire. It incinerated the egg sac and crashed through the wall beyond, straight out into the open air. It seemed a window had been there behind the fleshy covering. His glimpsed the city for a moment and saw movement, but nothing that looked like rebels.

Baldric小心翼翼地靠近一个人,可以通过里面的液体辨认出一张脸。 那是半身人的脸。 他认出那张脸:是他的主管凯文! 但是他有些不同。 他的特征更加尖锐,下巴更加明显。 他的皮肤似乎发红,几乎是鳞屑。 他的眼皮闪开,露出纯黑的眼睛。 他的嘴角微微一笑,露出弯曲的黑牙森林。 鲍德瑞克失去了对自己一直握着的光的注意力,本能地用一束融化的火焰猛烈抨击。 它焚化了卵囊,并撞破了外壁,直接进入了露天。 似乎在多肉的覆盖物后面有一个窗户。 他瞥了一眼这座城市,看到了动静,但没有什么看起来像叛军。

All at once the egg sacs began rupturing, and out crawled humanoids in varying states of demonic corruption. They all began channeling dark Magic, and in an instant the room was a maelstrom of Magical combat. Baldric was stunned when Cassandra flew through the air and kicked him with both legs straight in the chest. He flew backwards, propelled by an additional gust of wind, and found himself sliding on a path of ice, a moment later bursting through a pair of doors that had been at the far end of the room. He tumbled into an even larger, dome-ceilinged room in which he noticed two things. First, a massive throne composed of bones and gold. And second, beyond the throne, the Door he had seen in his dreams.

卵囊立即开始破裂,并以各种恶魔腐败状态爬出类人动物。 他们都开始引导黑暗的魔法,转瞬之间,房间里就充满了魔法战斗的漩涡。 当卡桑德拉飞过空中并用双腿伸直在胸前踢他时,鲍尔德里克was住了。 他又被一阵阵风吹向后飞,发现自己在冰上滑行,片刻后冲破了房间另一端的一扇门。 他跌入更大的圆顶天花板房间,注意到了两件事。 首先,由骨头和金子组成的巨大宝座。 其次,除了宝座,还有他在梦中看到的那扇门。

He ran to the Door and turned around to see the remaining twenty or so rebels including Cassandra retreat from the antechamber and weave a powerful Magical barrier across the doorway. He didn’t blame them. The room beyond was filled with monstrously disfigured Supervisors and Managers, screeching and howling as they tried to tear the barrier down.

他跑到门口,转身看到剩下的大约20名叛乱分子,包括卡桑德拉(Cassandra)从前庭撤退,并在门口编织了一道强大的魔法屏障。 他没有责怪他们。 外面的房间到处都是畸形的主管和经理,他们试图拆除障碍时尖叫着吼叫。

Cassandra spoke up, her voice as cold and commanding as ever. “We are safe for the time being. Baldric, if you please, get that Door open.”

卡桑德拉开口说话,声音一如既往的冷淡和指挥。 “我们暂时是安全的。 Baldric,请您打开那扇门。”

Baldric turned back to the Door and studied it. It was just as it had been in his dreams.

鲍德瑞克转回门边研究。 就像他梦中那样。

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He quickly became lost in thought, piecing together everything he had learned, everything that Cassandra and Doomboom and the Book of Magic had taught him. One of the rebels spoke up. “Look, they’re retreating!” It appeared the demons were scurrying away, having been unable to break through the barrier. “Wait a second, I see someone. Who is…” The explosion took out most of the wall along with the Magical barrier. The rebels were knocked off their feet, and the air was clouded with debris.

他很快陷入了沉思,将他所学到的一切,卡桑德拉和多姆博姆以及《魔法书》教给他的一切都拼凑在一起。 一名叛军说了出来。 “看,他们正在撤退!” 似乎恶魔们匆匆走了,无法突破障碍。 “等等,我看到一个人。 谁是……”爆炸和魔法屏障一起炸毁了大部分墙。 叛乱分子被打倒了,空气中充满了碎片。

After a moment the dust began to settle, and Baldric could see a towering figure casually strolling into the room, the clink of its armor audible over the coughs and curses of the rebels. It was the Emperor, clad from head to toe in his demonically-fashioned armor, with his giant axe in hand glowing with a thirst for blood. Firebolts, ice shards, lightning, boulders, and more were all sent at the Emperor, a storm of Magical death streaming from the rebels. Many attacks he simply swatted away with inhuman speed, while others seemed to dart away from him and miss at the last instant. Baldric glimpsed it again, for sure this time, some kind of dark Magical collar around the Emperor’s neck, with a connecting leash that seemed to be coming from beyond the Door.

片刻之后,尘土开始沉降,鲍德瑞克可以看到一个高大的人物随便走进房间,在反叛者的咳嗽声和诅咒声中听到装甲的叮当声。 那是皇帝,穿着怪异的装甲从头到脚都披着头,手里拿着巨斧,满是对血液的渴望。 火焰箭,碎冰块,闪电,巨石等等都被送到了皇帝手中,这是一场叛乱分子流传的魔法死亡风暴。 他的许多攻击只是以超乎寻常的速度扑灭了,而其他攻击似乎在远离他并落在最后一瞬间。 Baldric再次瞥见它,这一次肯定是在Emperor脖子上的某种深色的魔术领,带有似乎来自门外的连接皮带。

“This is hardly conduct befitting of Imperial employees. No, its performance reviews for all of you I’m afraid.” ()

“这几乎不适合帝国雇员。 不,恐怕它对所有人的性能都有所影响。” ( )

The Emperor channeled Magic Baldric had never seen, and the floor opened up beneath one employee, shadowy hands pulling him in. Distracted by the hellish spectacle, Baldric lost sight of the Emperor. He suddenly appeared beside another rebel and cleaved him clean in two. A storm of spells descended on his position, but he appeared to meld with the shadows, moving around the room like a bat in the night, slaying rebels wherever he appeared. His axe vanished, but with one hand he picked up a half-orc by the throat while also summoning a swirling shadowy vortex around him with the other. The vortex absorbed every spell the rebels sent at him, and they watched in horror as their friend flailed and gurgled in the Emperor’s grasp until he went limp. The same spells the rebels had cast then suddenly discharged out of the vortex back at their casters, mutilating all of the remaining rebels at once, apart from Baldric.

皇帝引导了魔术师鲍尔德里克(Magic Baldric)从未见过的通道,地板在一名员工的下面张开,阴影笼罩着他的手将他拉进来。鲍德瑞克(Baldric)被地狱般的景象分散了注意力,看不见皇帝。 他突然出现在另一名叛乱分子旁边,将他一分为二。 一阵咒语降临在他的位置上,但他似乎与阴影融为一体,像蝙蝠一样在夜里四处移动,在他出现的任何地方杀死了叛军。 他的斧头消失了,但是他用一只手在喉咙旁捡起了一个半兽人,同时还用另一只手召唤了一个环绕着他的Undertow漩涡。 旋涡吸收了叛军向他发出的每一个咒语,当他们的朋友在皇帝的掌控之下跳动并咯咯作响时,他们惊恐地注视着他,直到他瘫软。 叛军施放的相同咒语随后突然从他们的施法者身上从漩涡中释放出来,除鲍德瑞克外,立即残害了所有其余叛军。

The Emperor walked over to the corpse of Cassandra, a large, jagged icicle sticking out of her chest. “Hehehe, oh my dearest Moryggan. I take it you’re finished playing rebel now?”

皇帝走到卡桑德拉的尸体上,卡桑德拉的尸体从胸口伸出来,呈锯齿状。 “嘿嘿,我最亲爱的莫里根。 我认为你现在已经完成反叛了吗?”

A puddle of water behind the Emperor grew and formed into Cassandra, and the corpse detonated in a burst of icy shrapnel. While the Emperor was off balance the floor and ceiling became coated in solid ice, and a furious stream of icicles descended on the Emperor from above, chasing him around the room. He just barely slipped on the ice, but it was enough for Cassandra’s attack to catch up to its mark. The Emperor raised his hand and wove a barrier to deflect the raging torrent of icy needles while the ice from the ground rose to encrust his feet and legs, working its way up to his torso. The ice was cracking with the Emperor’s attempt to break out, but it gave enough time for Cassandra’s final weave to complete, and a massive spike of ice shot diagonally from the floor straight into the Emperor’s chest and out his back. He stood still there for a moment in stunned silence.

皇帝后面的水坑长大,形成了卡桑德拉(Cassandra),尸体爆炸成一团冰冷的弹片。 皇帝失衡时,地板和天花板上都覆盖了一层坚硬的冰,一连串的冰柱从上方降落在皇帝身上,将他追逐在房间周围。 他只是在冰上勉强滑过,但这足以让卡桑德拉的进攻达到目标。 皇帝举起他的手,编织一道屏障,以偏转汹涌的冰冷的针刺,而地面上的冰则升起,缠住他的脚和腿,一直到他的躯干。 皇帝企图爆发时,冰块破裂了,但它给卡桑德拉的最终编织留出了足够的时间,大量的冰尖从对角线射向皇帝的胸膛并从他的背部伸出。 他静静地呆在那里呆了片刻。

“…Your performance review has concluded, Cassandra Winterheart. You are to be…Fired.” A meteor burst through the castle wall and roared toward Cassandra. She erected an immensely thick barrier of ice in an instant, but the explosive force blew it apart and sent her flying across the room and crashing into the wall. She didn’t get up.

“…您的效果评估已经结束,Cassandra Winterheart。 你将被……解雇。” 一颗流星穿过城堡的墙壁,朝卡桑德拉咆哮。 她立刻架起了一层厚厚的冰屏障,但爆炸力将其炸开,将她的飞行物飞过整个房间,撞到了墙上。 她没有起床。

The ice melted, and the hole in the Emperor’s armor was as if it had never been. His armor clinked as he casually approached Baldric. The dwarf was frantically putting all his mental energies towards blocking out the chaos behind him and focusing on the Door. He was making progress. It was starting to make sense. He had just finished the third section of the puzzle when the Emperor spoke up behind him.

冰融化了,皇帝装甲上的Kong好像从未有过。 当他随便接近鲍德里克时,他的装甲叮当作响。 矮人正在疯狂地投入他的全部精力来阻止他身后的混乱并专注于“门”。 他正在进步。 它开始变得有意义。 当皇帝在他身后讲话时,他刚刚完成了拼图的第三部分。

“And now we turn to you, Baldric Hightower, Aspiring Wizard. A lowly clerk who bought into the lies of an Imperial traitor, became an accomplice in the murder of the HR Manager, emptied the HR complex, and helped lead the assault on this castle. I almost want to turn you into a demon like the rest of the Magic users, as I suspect you’d be quite useful. But no, that will not be your fate. Far more fitting for you to be zombified and returned to your original station in life, wouldn’t you say?”

“现在,我们向您求求,有抱负的巫师波德瑞克·高塔 一个卑鄙的店员买了一个帝国叛徒的谎言,成为人事经理谋杀案的帮凶,清空了人事大楼,并帮助领导了这座城堡的袭击。 我几乎想像其他Magic用户一样将您变成恶魔,因为我怀疑您会很有用。 但是不,那不会是你的命运。 你会变得更适合僵尸化,回到生活中的原始位置,不是吗?”

Baldric thought with every cell of his brain, weaving Logic faster than he ever had, racking his mind for any flash of insight that could open this accursed door. But it was too late. He could sense the Emperor’s Magic and felt the life force draining from his body. His cells were dying, putrefying into the perfect Imperial employee. “At least I tried,” he thought to himself, resigning himself to his fate.

鲍德瑞克(Baldric)思索着大脑的每一个细胞,比以往任何时候都更快地编织逻辑,使自己的思想浮出水面,可以打开任何可能打开这扇门的洞察力。 但是为时已晚。 他可以感觉到皇帝的魔力,并感到生命力从他的身体中流失。 他的牢房快死了,向完美的帝国雇员employee之以鼻。 “至少我尝试过,”他自言自语,顺从命运。

His vision was going dark when out of the corner of his eye Baldric saw something fly though the air before impacting the wall in a cloud of dust. His vitality returned to him and he inhaled life back into his lungs. Baldric looked over to see the Emperor picking himself up out of a crater in the wall. A whirling figure flew across the room and with a spinning kick almost too fast for Baldric’s eyes to follow sent the Emperor flying once again. It was Doomboom! The half-orc ran across the room and tackled the Emperor, pinning him against the wall.

当鲍德瑞克从眼角移开时,他的视线就变得暗淡了。 他的活力恢复了,他将生命重新吸入了肺部。 鲍德瑞克(Baldric)抬头望去,看到皇帝将自己从墙壁上的火山口中捡了出来。 一个旋转的身影飞过整个房间,旋转的脚踢几乎太快了,以至于鲍德瑞克的目光无法跟随,皇帝再次飞翔。 是Doomboom! 半兽人跑过整个房间,冲向皇帝,将他钉在墙上。

“Quick Baldric, the Door!”

“ Quick Baldric,大门!”

With grim determination and utter focus, Baldric turned to the Door once more.





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